Welcome To Our Site




 STC MINISTRY exists to help reduce human suffering, improve conditions for animals, and bring awareness.  We are committed to spreading God's love locally and nationally through our Mission efforts.


Helping to build relationships and stronger communities with faith, hope and kindness.


    Nonprofits play a fundamental role in creating more equitable and thriving communities.

 Missions Of Hope

How you can help

Make Them Smile

"You Are Their Future"

Help reduce human suffering, assisting people in need, through advancement of education and religion, and providing services and compassion to those in need,

Every donation helps our missions towards changing the lives for many animals and people in need.

Donate to help keep our missions going.

Don't Turn Away,
Give Today!

Donate for families in need.

Help support our mission by donating what you don't need. Your old is their new.

 Help give time doing fundraisers at events to bring awareness to our cause. All proceeds go towards helping people and animals in need of our help.


Be Their Hero


Help donate to build new animal rescue facilities to help protect animals in need.

Help provide shelter and care, help them feel heaven on earth. 

Be a foster family for animals in need of rescue. Become a Sponsor Angel today! 

Did you know?  

 You Can Be Their Start To A New Life.

We are the voice and hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort, faith, love and peace. We are here to worship God by helping as many people as possible, by connecting people in relationships that lead to spiritual transformation. Our beliefs are designed to encourage life transformation, to help people take the next steps to love God, love people and help change the world.

Help us continue our work

"Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life."

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Contact us

E-mail: information@stcministryinc.com


Help us make a change